
TiPY Introduction

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TiPY! Best one handed keyboard for schools? Students talk about TiPY.

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Tipy, Keyboard, Tastatur, Einhand, Einhandtastatur, Hand, One, Computer, Barrierefrei, disabled, one handed keyboard, single, amputee, Behinderung, Eingabegerät, single handed keyboard,input device, handed, Rechtshänder, Linkshänder, Einhänder, Links, Rechts, Right, Left, Schule, School, Five, finger, typing, Bildung, Inklusion, Weihnachten, Christmas
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Blackfriday, Tipy, Keyboard, Tastatur, Einhand, Einhandtastatur, Hand, One, Computer, Barrierefrei, disabled, one handed keyboard, single, amputee, Behinderung, Eingabegerät, single handed keyboard,input device, handed, Rechtshänder, Linkshänder, Einhänder, Links, Rechts, Right, Left, Schule, School, Five, finger, typing, Bildung, Inklusion,
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Tipy, Keyboard, Tastatur, Einhand, Einhandtastatur, Hand, One, Computer, Barrierefrei, disabled, one handed keyboard, single, amputee, Behinderung, Eingabegerät, single handed keyboard,input device, handed, Rechtshänder, Linkshänder, Einhänder, Links, Rechts, Right, Left, Schule, School, Five, finger, typing, Bildung, Inklusion, Platus
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Tipy, Keyboard, Tastatur, Einhand, Einhandtastatur, Hand, One, Computer, Barrierefrei, disabled, one handed keyboard, single, amputee, Behinderung, Eingabegerät, single handed keyboard,input device, handed, Rechtshänder, Linkshänder, Einhänder, Links, Rechts, Right, Left, Schule, School, Five, finger, typing, Bildung, Inklusion,
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TiPY Trainer new extra settings

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Rehacare 2024 – It was great meeting you all!

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Tipy, Keyboard, Tastatur, Einhand, Einhandtastatur, Hand, One, Computer, Barrierefrei, disabled, one handed keyboard, single, amputee, Behinderung, Eingabegerät, single handed keyboard,input device, handed, Rechtshänder, Linkshänder, Einhänder, Links, Rechts, Right, Left, Schule, School, Five, finger, typing, Bildung, Inklusion, Platus

TiPY Keyboard Receives Official Aid Number!

We’re excited to announce that the TiPY Keyboard, our innovative one-handed keyboard, has now officially been assigned a German aid number:! What does this mean for our users? It means that TiPY is now recognized and supported by health … Read More

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